About YQSF

The Young Quantity Surveyors Forum(YQSF-KE) was launched on 26th May 2022 during the Annual IQSK Symposium held at Lake Naivasha Resort.

It was formed with the aim of nurturing and promoting the career development of Young Quantity Surveyors in Kenya.

The primary focus is:

  1. To create a platform for intellectual discourse on matters affecting younger professional,
  2. To advocate for youth and gender representation within the Kenyan Construction Industry and;
  3. To provide avenues for training , research and advancement in partnership with global youth organizations.

As part of the AAQS-YQS Group, YQSF-Kenya is part of a steering committee towards affiliation and collaboration with continental and international bodies such as:

  1. FIG: International Federation of Surveyors
  2. ICEC: International Cost Engineering Council
  3. IPMA: International Project Management Association
  4. RICS: Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
  5. PAQS: Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors


Phone : +254 721 676 823

Email : yqsfkenya@gmail.com

Facebook  : YQSF KE

Twitter : @yqsfke

Instagram : yqsf_kenya

Tik tok : @yqsfkenya